Monday 25 June 2012

Knowledge Ocean


Indeed  Divine  Knowledge  Are  Oceans  and  beyond  all  worldly  Existing  Oceans, these oceans of Knowledge must  be availed 
in this world ,  and  learned  in this  planets  earth before we die, not just to recite  the  verse of  [ Lukman - 27  ]  and [alkahfi- 109 ] like
blind  readers  do  and ignorant  scholars do  by repeating  the  verses over  and  over again  without  deriving 

  • The Stream  Oceans of  Knowledge of  the  Verses  above 
  • The  Mountain  of  Wisdoms that  extends  beyond  the  7  Heavens 
  • These Oceans of Knowledge are not  for hereafter  but  for learning in this World , in the next world every  visions and sights are  Streams of Knowledge beyond your imagination and comprehension - Therefore these Ocean  Knowledge are the ABC  of  that  Divine Knowledge to be witnessed and learned in akhirat We keep hearing the avaialbility of the  Knowledge Ocean but  never hears them around they are meant to be known and  learnt  in  this  World. 
  • Learning these  Divine Knowledge  Will Guarantee PEACE  and  TRANQUILITY of  MIND -  HEART  -  SOUL 
  • No Prophets from Adam to [ as ]  as been  endowed  with  this  Knowledge Except  Our  Beloved Muhamad SAW Given on the day of  Miraaj - Every Vision Standing Before Almighty Allah SWT - Millions of  Chapters of Knowledge , Wisdom ,  Reality , Secrets were Revealed  and  will  be  kept  revealed  to  the  eternity -  And  Prophet  SAW  keep  giving  this Knowledge to  those  Who  Seeks [ That is Why  A True  dream is 1/16 of the Prophecy ] and True  Dream is  part of Nubuwah [ Not Rules and Regulation Sharia  matter is Closed  but  DIVINE KNOWLEDGE  CAN  NEVER BE  CLOSED FOR  EVER towards  Eternity  -  If  Closed  this  means that  DIVINE KNOWLEDGE OF  A  GREAT  LORD  IS  SMALL AND  LITTLE  [  Nauzbillah]
  • The Secrets  Behind  the  Verses are deeper  than  all  bottomless oceans  and  mines on this  earth
  • The Knowledge behind the Verses of Al Quran is not  just its  Translation [ Arabs dont need translation ] , behind every  verse contains Understanding , Knowledge ,  Wisdoms ,  Knowledge of  Reality of that Particular  Verse ,  And Knowledge of Sirr  and  Ghaib [ Hikmah is Only  Given to Who Almighty Allah  SWT  Choses to give [  Al Baqarah - Verse 269] Never even have been given to Scholars of  Books -  But  Scholars of  Divine Knowledge.
  • The Depth of  the  Knowledge of  Reality  within  these  Verses  Are  Given in this World itself -  Those Who seeks they  are Blessed and Luck [ The Inheritors of Divine Knowledge]
  • The  Knowledge  of  YAKIN  that  which is  stronger  than any  steel  and  rock  on  this  planet earth  and  Moon [  To  Strengtehn  Our  Iman and  Aqeedah]
  • Extract  them all  on  this planet  earth  before  we  stand Face to face with  Almighty  Allah  SWT
  • The Oceans of  Knowledge  are  not  meant  for  the  hereafter  but  in  this World [ Learn it Says  The Holy Prophet SAW from Cradle to Grave].
  • In the Hereafter  our  Mind  Capacity  Will  Extend Beyond  the Billion and  trillion  current  limited capacities  [Extensive and Intensive Capacity ]and  i cannot  Describe  the  Vision that  Almighty  Allah  SWT  showed in few  Israa and  Miraaj  that  OCCURED in Madinah  and  Last  year in  Kuala Lumpur , that  relates the  quantum , width , length , extensiveness ,  depth ,  greatness of  this  Human being's  MIND in  YAUMUL QIYAMAH  because  there is  no  figures  that  any calculators  can  take [  may be the calculator on this earth will explode to enumerate the numericals] ,  the  entire  earth  cant  fit  to  write the numbers and depth of that  numericals  and words  to explain the subject -  The  Mind of The  Human will be expanded  larger  than  any  heavens  and  Earth  BECAUSE  HE  IS  GOING  TO  WITNESS  THE  GREATEST  LORD  -  THE  GREATEST  VISIONS -  THE  GREATEST  BEING -  THE  GREATEST OF  ALL -  Therefore  his  mind  also has  to  be expanded to  accomodate that Receptiveness , with this  capacity of the current Mind ,  human brain will explode into  liquid
  • Therefore  it  is  IMPORTANT  TO  ACQUIRE  THE  DIVINE  KNOWLEDGE in  this  World if  not  they  will hear  everyone  on  that  day  of  judgement  talking  about  Almighty The  Creators vision but  many  will  be blind [  That is  why Almighty  Allah  Said ] Those who  are  Blind on this Earth  will be  Blind  on the day  of  judgement [  Israa -  verse  72].
  • We  should  improve Our  Intellect  From Animal  Intellect  to  Human Intellect and then  Transform to  Angelic Intellect then to Prophetic  Intellect [ Aqalul Nabiyeen Wa Mursaleen]  then to DIVINE Intellect [ Aqalul  Rabaniyoon ]  the DIVINE INTELLECT  does not  mean Almighty's INTELLECT -  But  the  Intellect  that  has  been  installed with  DIVINE  KNOWLEDGE Software.
  • There are  many  secrets in the  Knowledge of  Miraaj [  we  should  know and  learn ]  when did the Prophet SAW did  Qiyam  before  Almighty Allah and when the moment  of  Rukuu came into the  scene ,  when  did the Holy  Prophet SAW did prostration  sajdah and  when  the  tashahood  was  done [  to  know these  wisdoms ]  will  increase  Your  Khusuyu  in  SOLAT  [  Indeed  are  Successful  are  Believers who  are  FOCUSED  in  their prayers [  23 Mukmin - verse 1 ]
  • Oh Thinking Man -  Expand Your Mind  Capacity  to  be able  to SEE  YOUR  LORD  ALMIGHTY CREATOR with the  DIVINE  KNOWLEDGE  -  WE  ARE  NOT  CREATED  JUST TO FILL THIS  HUNGRY  STOMACH and  DESIRES  OF  THE  SELF -  THERE  ARE  MORE  LUCRATIVE  BUSINESSES  THAN  ALL  OF  WHAT  YOU  FIND  IN  THIS  EARTH  -  There are  7,000  Kinds of  GOLDs  Metals ,  Diamonds to make  business  with on that  Heavenly  Planets. This is TRUE  and Nothing  but  TRUTH.
  • There are  5  Billions of  different Trees  Species  that  WE  CAN  ROLL OUT CURRENCY  PAPERS  TO  TRADE  AND  COMMERCE  OF  PLANETS  AND  STARS  AND  BILLIONS  OF  GALAXIES -  GO FOR  BIG  BUSINESS and  Leave  this  small Business  those who  are  IGNORANT  and  BLIND , As  long  HE Almighty Creator  HAS  OPENED  YOUR MOUTH  AND  STOMACH  HE WILL  FEED  YOU  UNTIL  YOU  DIE -  TRUST  AND  BELIEVE IN  HIM
ALLAH  SWT  Says  MUSLIMS  dont  Have  IMAN but  ONLY  ISLAM 
Allah  SWT  accepts Only  Mukmin  and  Mutaqeen [  Surah Al Maidah - 27]
[  Surah  Al baqarah  -  Verse 8]
[  Surah  Al hujjarat  -  Verse 14]
[ Surah   Yusuf          -  Verse 103]
[ Surah  Yusuf           -  Verse 105]  Not  only  know Iman but they are in Shirk at all times. [ Shirk Khafi - Shirk Kafeeil Akhfa - Shirk Akhfa].

With  Humblness and Forgiveness
Al faqiriLLALLAH  Shaykh Dr Ismail Kassim
The Golden Chain Transmitter of  DIVINE MESSAGE.

Monday 7 May 2012

How To Empower You Spirit With Real & True Faith
Empower Your Mind With Faith of The Prophets With Wisdoms
Strengthen Yoru Innerself With Mind- Emotion Integration With Your Soul

Life is Zero without Faith and Hope
Seek the Sweetness of Faith
Reality of Faith is the Light to Paradise

Faith is The Greatest Element in Worship
Faithless Worshippers Are Dead Reality
Faith Must Be Always Burnt With Light of Knowledge

Realize The Truth of Faith

Humanity comes from one source.
The Mud - The Earth Combines with few other materials
The Fire - The Water - The Air - The Earth.
The Fire has its own attributes and its rich possession within one's system
The Water has its own functional attributes in own physical system
The Air has also its functional objective within the system of the human body.

But just to realize humanbeing as a physical being will be the most absolute stupidity
as we are being beyond this physical body, Why dont you realize that before life taking effect into your physical body, you were living soul in the World of Billions of Souls and Trillions of Souls of the Angels and Trillions of Souls of Jinns whose number exceed the number of mankind.

Do you know that One Human race - Breathes only One kind of Air and Oxygen and The Soul accepts only one life material form heavenly realm , this shows that there should be only one way to Almighty The Creator , The One and Only One.

Look for the True and Real Way to Almighty , if you wish to know the Reality of this Life and Your own self.